Dehydrated Dog Food

Couple months back, Bella and I hiked the Foothills trail. From past trips, I know she can be a very picky eater on the trail. She thinks she should be allowed to eat people food and will turn her nose up at any dog food you try to give her. I have gotten tired of sharing all of my dinners with her so this trip I decided to make something special for her. She loved it! Here is the recipe:

  1. Cook some chicken breasts in chicken stock
  2. Shred the chicken (I use my kitchen aid mixer to shred – makes it so easy!)
  3. Put chicken in dehydrator
  4. Cut up some sweet potatoes and green beans
  5. Cook the sweet potatoes and green beans in chicken stock
  6. Drain the sweet potato and green bean mixture and put in dehydrator

On the trail

  1. Combine the dehydrated ingredients with some instance rice (I used a 1:1:1 ratio of everything)
  2. Add boiling water and stir. Set aside until mixture rehydrates and food has cooled off

Note: I just guessed how much water to use on the trail each time – my dog didn’t seem to care if it was a little “soupy”.